The Footer component is located at the bottom of the page below the main body content. It provides a place for secondary navigation, site-wide actions, and additional information.
Code examples
Color variations
Color variations
Navigation section variations
Utility section variations
Custom Link
- The Footer.Link component has the
prop which you can use to use your own navigation link instead of our Footer.Link, which uses HDS Link underneath. You can pass it as an elementas={<CustomLink />}
or as a componentas={CustomLink}
Package | Included | Storybook link | Source link |
HDS React | Yes | View in Storybook | View source |
HDS Core | No | - | - |
Property | Description | Values | Default value |
ariaLabel | Aria-label for describing footer. | string | - |
className | Additional class names to apply. | string | - |
footerProps | Additional props for the <footer element. | Object | - |
korosType | Koros type to use in the footer. | KorosType | "basic" |
theme | Footer theme. | "light "dark" FooterCustomTheme | "light" |
title | Service name. | string | - |
This component also accepts all nativefooter
element props.
Following component properties override their native counterparts:
overrides thearia-label
Property | Description | Values | Default value |
ariaLabel | Aria-label for describing the navigation. | string | - |
role | ARIA role to describe the contents. | string | - |
This component also accepts all nativediv
element props.
Following component properties override their native counterparts:
overrides thearia-label
Property | Description | Values | Default value |
ariaLabel | Aria-label for describing the link. | string | - |
as | Element or component to use instead of the default HDS Link. | Element | Link |
external | Boolean indicating whether the link will lead user to external domain. | boolean | false |
href | Hypertext Reference of the link. | string | - |
icon | Icon which will display on the left side of the label. | ReactNode | - |
label | Label for the link. | string | - |
openInNewTab | Boolean indicating whether the link will open in new tab. | boolean | false |
openInNewTabAriaLabel | Aria-label for opening link in a new tab. | string | - |
openInExternalDomainAriaLabel | Aria-label for opening link in an external domain. | string | - |
This component also accepts all nativea
element props.
Following component properties override their native counterparts:
overrides thearia-label
Property | Description | Values | Default value |
className | Additional classNames for the element. | string | - |
id | ID for the element. | string | - |
headingLink | Footer.GroupHeading component to display at the top of the group. On smaller screens only this will be displayed. | Footer.GroupHeading | - |
This component also accepts all nativediv
element props.
Property | Description | Values | Default value |
as | Element or component to use instead of the default native link or <span> when href is omitted. | Element | a span |
href | Hypertext Reference of the link. If omitted, heading will be a <span> element instead of <a> . | string | - |
id | ID for the element. | string | - |
label | Label for the heading. | string | - |
This component also accepts all nativea
element props.
Property | Description | Values | Default value |
ariaLabel | Aria-label for describing the utilities. | string | - |
soMeLinks | Array of Footer.NavigationLinks to display in the social media section. | [Footer.NavigationLink] | - |
soMeSectionProps | Additional props for the native <section> element which hold the soMeLinks . | Object | - |
role | ARIA role to describe the contents. | string | - |
This component also accepts all nativediv
element props.
Following component properties override their native counterparts:
overrides thearia-label
Property | Description | Values | Default value |
className | Additional classNames for the element. | string | - |
id | ID for the element. | string | - |
headingLink | Footer.GroupHeading component to display at the top of the group. | Footer.GroupHeading | - |
This component also accepts all nativediv
element props.
Property | Description | Values | Default value |
ariaLabel | Aria-label for describing the custom area. | string | - |
className | Additional classNames for the element. | string | - |
id | ID for the element. | string | - |
role | ARIA role to describe the contents. | string | - |
This component also accepts all nativediv
element props.
Following component properties override their native counterparts:
overrides thearia-label
Property | Description | Values | Default value |
ariaLabel | Aria-label for describing the element. | string | - |
backToTopLabel | Label for the "Back to top" button. | string ReactNode | - |
copyrightHolder | Text to be displayed next to the copyright symbol. | string ReactNode | - |
copyrightText | Text to be displayed after the copyright holder text. | string ReactNode | - |
logoHref | Link for the logo. | string | - |
logo | Logo component to use. | Logo | - |
onBackToTopClick | Callback fired when the "Back to top" button is clicked. | function | - |
onLogoClick | Callback fired when the logo is clicked. | function | - |
role | ARIA role to describe the contents. | string | - |
showBackToTopButton | Boolean for whether the "Back to top" button should be shown. | boolean | - |
year | The year for copyright text. This can be useful in automated tests. | string | - |
This component also accepts all nativediv
element props.
Following component properties override their native counterparts:
overrides thearia-label