

A number input allows the user to enter numeric values. It also features optional steppers for increasing or decreasing the value by a set amount.

Available technologies




Assistive text


  • A label should always be provided with a number input.
    • Make sure that the label is clear and concise. The user should immediately understand what number they are supposed to input.
  • HDS Number input also supports displaying an unit for the number. Displaying the unit is not mandatory. Only use it when you think it will help the user.
    • Display the unit for SI units (such as meters) and currencies.
    • The unit does not need to be displayed when it is self-evident for the user, such as in "Number of people"
  • It is recommended to give the number input a default value. Placeholders should be avoided in number inputs.
  • HDS Number input supports visual steppers that can be set to increase and decrease the number value by a set amount.
    • Steppers can be used when changes to the value are small or when they are intuitive to the user (e.g. from 0 to 100 with steps of 10).
    • You should not use steppers when large value changes are expected.



Default HDS Number input comes without stepper. The number is always inputted manually. Using this over a text input is still helpful since it has a type=number to aid screen readers and mobile keyboards.

When applicable, a unit can be set for the input by using the unit prop.

Assistive text

With steppers

Steppers can be enabled via providing a step property. Use this variant when value changes are small and you can determine logical amounts for an increase and a decrease step.

Assistive text

With min and max values

Steppers can be enabled by providing a step property. Use this variant when value changes are small and you can determine logical amounts for an increase and a decrease step.

If your input has special requirements, it is a good practice to describe them in the assistive text.

At least 3 attendees are required