

Breakpoint tokens are used to keep services and products using HDS consistent across all screen sizes.


Table 1: Breakpoint tokens
CSS variableSASS variablePX valuePaddingScaling method
--breakpoint-xs$breakpoint-xs≥ 320px16pxScale content
--breakpoint-s$breakpoint-s≥ 576px16pxScale content
--breakpoint-m$breakpoint-m≥ 768px24pxScale content
--breakpoint-l$breakpoint-l≥ 992px24pxScale content
--breakpoint-xl$breakpoint-xl≥ 1248px24px, scalesScale padding
Container width tokens have changed in HDS 2.0!

Starting in HDS version 2.0, only the container-width-xl token is used as the maximum width of the content container. Other container width tokens are not used anymore - the content container will take all space available below the content-width-xl token. The rest of the tokens will are now deprecated and will be removed in a future update.

Table 2: Container width tokens
CSS variableSASS variablePX value
Table 3: Container width tokens (deprecated)
CSS variableSASS variablePX value