

The Header component is located at the top of the page above the main body content. It provides a place for levels of primary navigation and site-wide actions.

A work in progress!
The Header components are a collection of new navigation components the HDS team is currently fine tuning. This means that these components are subject to change. We are open to feedback regarding how they work.

Available technologies



Customisation properties

You can use the theme property to customise the component. See all available theme variables in the table below.

Theme variableDescription
--actionbar-background-colorBackground color of the action bar.
--color-focus-outlineColor of the focus outline.
--header-background-colorBackground color of the header.
--header-colorFont color inside the header.
--header-max-widthMax width of the header.
--header-z-indexZ-index of the header.
--lang-selector-dropdown-background-colorBackground color of the dropdown for the language select.
--logo-heightHeight of the logo. Should be scaled down with smaller screens.
--nav-background-colorBackground color of the navigation menu.
--nav-border-colorBorder color of the navigation menu.
--nav-link-hover-colorHover color of the navigation links.
--nav-button-background-colorBackground color of the navigation link's dropdown toggling button.
--nav-link-dropdown-background-colorBackground color of the navigation link dropdown.
--nav-button-hover-background-colorHover background color of the navigation link's dropdown toggling button.
--nav-drop-down-icon-colorColor of the icon for the navigation link's dropdown toggling button.
--universal-bar-background-colorBackground color of the universal bar.
--header-spinner-colorColor of the loading spinner in the login and logut buttons.
--notification-bubble-background-colorBackground color of the notification bubble.
--notification-bubble-text-colorFont color inside the notification bubble.

Customisation example

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