Migrate to version 4.0.0

This guide helps you to start using HDS version 4.0.0.

;tldr; Check at least these
When updating to HDS 4.0.0 check and test at least these: - dropdown(Combobox and select) is replaced with whole new select - cookieConsent is replaced with new CookieConsent and now also available in core and standalone js - separate ariaLabel is replaced with native aria-label - iconLeft is now iconStart and iconRight is now iconEnd - size variants in components are changed to enums - Use of Sketch ends, check Figma files instead

Breaking changes

This major release contains some breaking changes. Pay attention to these when you update your project to use the new version.

Tag component rewritten


The Tag component has been rewritten and iconStart and iconEnd -properties have now been added. Prop size is now a Typescript enum with proper values (TagSize.Small and TagSize.Large). Prop rolehas been removed and the component itself handles it role. deleteButtonAriaLabel, deleteButtonProps, labelProps and srOnlyLabel have also been removed. There's also no separate delete-button inside the Tag in the Deletable variant.


In Core-side also using hds-icons is now possible with classes without additional <span>'s.


Theming has also been modified a bit with changed css-variable names. New design also makes slight changes to the stylings.

Button component rewritten


The Button component has been rewritten and iconLeft and iconRight -properties have now been renamed as iconStart and iconEnd to support future implementation of RTL (right-to-left) languages. Size, theme and variant are all now Typescript enums with proper values (used to be Types and included "default" as value). Properties isLoading and loadingText have been removed and implementing a loading button is done by setting the Button's variant as clear (ButtonVariant.Clear), giving the Button a <LoadingSpinner small /> as it's iconStart and changing the label to something that informs the user about the loading status. Also to consider is whether to add disabled prop or not.


In Core-side also using hds-icons is now possible with classes without additional <span>'s.


Theming has also been added through css-variables. New design also makes slight changes to the stylings.


Link has changed props, iconLeft has been renamed to iconStart. Separate ariaLabel has been removed, replaced by using native aria-label -property. Size prop is now a Typescript-enum with values LinkSize.Small, LinkSize.Medium and LinkSize.Large, which correspond to string values small, medium and large.


hds-icon-left class has been renamed to hds-icon-start

Notification and ErrorSummary


Both Notification and ErrorSummary have their size prop changed to enum. Notification size is now NotificationSize.Small, NotificationSize.Medium or NotificationSize.Large while ErrorSummary has ErrorSummarySize.Medium and ErrorSummarySize.Large values. In both the medium value is the default.

Icon size


The Icon size prop has been changed to enum (IconSize.ExtraSmall, IconSize.Small, IconSize.Medium, IconSize.Large, IconSize.ExtraLarge)

Hero component arrow icon takes space and may require a background color to be set

React and core

The arrow icon's container had height:0, but now it takes space and therefore a background color may be needed. By default the Hero's own --background-color is shown but it can be overridden with --bottom-background-color. In some cases --bottom-background-color: var(--bottom-koros-color) is sufficient.

In HDS 3.x.x the arrow also overlapped with the element below. That is not the case any more and has to be achived now by adding negative margin-top to the element below.

Documentation and examples



Dialog.Header's ìconLeft prop has been renamed to iconStart


Header.ActionBarSubItem's iconLeft and iconRight props have been renamed to iconStart and iconEnd



The iconLeft prop has been renamed to iconStart

Select component rewritten

The Select component has been rewritten, and most props have changed. There is now one Select component instead of Select and Combobox.

Select with a filter function is the same as Combobox.

Passing options and option groups

Supported formats for the options are now:

  • array of strings ["Option1"]
  • array of option objects [{label:"Option 1", value:"Option 1 value"}]
  • native html with <optgroup> and <option>.

Removed components from Select

  • Combobox

Removed props

  • optionLabelField (the label is always "label").
  • optionKeyField (use "option.value").
  • isOptionDisabled (option.disabled can be set).
  • circularNavigation (always circular).

All texts are passed as an object or returned from a function. Removed props include:

  • getA11ySelectionMessage
  • getA11yStatusMessage
  • getA11yRemovalMessage
  • helper (use texts.assistive)
  • error (use texts.error)
  • tooltipLabel
  • tooltipButtonLabel
  • tooltipText
  • clearButtonAriaLabel (default text is provided, can be set with texts)
  • selectedItemRemoveButtonAriaLabel (default text is provided, can be set with texts)
  • selectedItemSrLabel (default text is provided, can be set with texts)

Instead of

<Select label="Label" placeholder="Placeholder" />

provide texts as an object

<Select texts={{ label: 'Label', placeholder: 'Placeholder', language: 'en' }} />

or return them from a function

texts={(key) => {
if (key === 'label') {
return 'Label';
if (key === 'placeholder') {
return 'Placeholder';

Changes to the onChange callback

The onChangereceives now 3 arguments:

  • The first one is an array of selected options as objects. The array is empty if no selections have been made.
  • The second one is the clicked option.
  • The third one is all the data of the Select component.

Changes to theme

The theme prop has all new variable names and only a few of the previous theme variables are still usable.

Visual changes


There are updates to lineheights to improve readability especially on Headings. Please check that the layout does not break.

Black-60 changed to more accesible shade

Design token black-60 is changed from #666666 to #595959 to improve contrast with other colours. With only bus-dark and black-90 the contrast gets worse, all other colours the contrast improves. If needed, verify the used colours.

Figma design kit

This guide will help you understand how to transition an existing project from using an older version of HDS Figma Design Kit to using the latest 4.0.0 version.

What’s changing?

This HDS Design Kit update follows the changes deployed in the code for the 4.0.0 release of HDS. The major differences include significant changes to the CookieConsent, Dropdown and Tag components. The new Select and Multiselect components replace the old Dropdown.

The line heights of headings have been updated in the HDS Design Kit to improve readability, especially with larger titles. We have improved color black-60 for better contrast by changing it from #666666 to #595959.

The HDS Design Kit in Figma has undergone a major restructuring: now, each component is placed on its own page. This new organisation makes it much easier to find components without having to guess which group they belong to. Each component will also have better documentation, which may include main component, subcomponents, specifications, variant examples, and usage & prototype examples, depending on the need and documentation status. We hope these changes will better explain the features of each component and how they can be used.

Components that need replacing

  • The Dropdown component is now deprecated and will be removed in future versions. Replace it with Select or Multiselect.
  • The CookieConsent component has been replaced with a new version, and it needs to be manually updated.

Deprecated components needs replacing, follow Figma guide about swapping components.

Components that need manual checking

  • Line heights in headings have been updated to improve readability. Please check that the layout does not break.
  • The asterisk indicating required fields in form components like TextInput has been renewed and is now its own property. You’ll need to manually change the required indicators in layouts.
  • The Tag components accessibility has been improved, and a new Link variant has been introduced. These changes do not break the old components, but it’s still better to check the updated components.

Introduction of Figma Variables in HDS

We are excited to announce the introduction of variables in HDS. We will be implementing variables step by step, starting with a feature for all HDS designers!

The first one

The first variable in use is called “Deprecated”, and it’s part of the [HDS] Deprecated variable collection. This variable is used in a single component named .❌_DeprecatedIndicator, which is used to highlight deprecated components.

What’s great about this?

This feature allows designers to easily and quickly identify and highlight where deprecated HDS components are used on a page.

How to use it

  1. Click an empty spot on the canvas or press Esc to deselect all layers.
  2. From the Page section of the right sidebar, click variable icon to Apply variable mode.
  3. Hover over a variable collection [HDS] Deprecated and choose a mode On.

This is just the beginning of our journey to variables in the Helsinki Design System. We are eager to start implementing spacing, colour, and typography tokens. We welcome your feedback!

Read more about variables in Figma Learn.

What should I do?

1. Duplicate your current design file

In order to avoid disruptions to your workflow, it is recommended that you duplicate your project files before accepting this update. This allows you to migrate to the latest HDS Design Kit while maintaining a reference to your original file. A guide for duplicating files can be found in Figma Learn.

2. Review and accept updates

In your duplicate file, review and accept the HDS Design Kit library updates. You will see updates to three libraries which include the

3. Find deprecated dropdown components

4. Update components & content

This update includes breaking changes to components and may require that you update content in components with breaking changes.

How can I continue using HDS v3?

The v3 Figma library has been copied as a new file and will no longer receive updates. However, you can continue to use it by swapping to the v3 library.

Swapping libraries allows you to quickly update instances in a file to use components from another library. Follow the Figma guide to swap to the v3 library if you wish to use the previous HDS version. The guide for swapping components can be found in Figma Learn.

What about the Sketch library?

The Sketch library will no longer be updated and will be removed after the 4.0.0 release.

Getting support

Have a question about migration to 4.0.0? Please head over to the Support page for more guidelines and ways to contact us.