Common Helsinki cookies


Using common Helsinki cookies brings the benefit of consistent content across services that use the same components.

Key principles of using common cookies

  • You can use common Helsinki cookies if your service is using a * domain.
  • When common cookies are available, use them instead of creating custom cookies.
  • When a common cookie is used, it must be used exactly as described on this page. If you modify the cookie in any way, it is no longer a common cookie.
  • If your service is using custom cookies alongside common cookies, you still need to ask for consent for the custom cookies (if they are considered optional).
  • You can either use all or a part of the common cookies.
  • Note that some of the services (e.g., Matomo) may require multiple common cookies for it to work.

Common cookies between * sites

The following is a list of approved common cookies for common services like Matomo or Tunnistamo. You can find this list as a JSON object in the Helsinki Design System GitHub repository.


Table 1: The information collected by statistics cookies is used to develop the website.
Cookie nameCookie set byPurpose of usePeriod of validity
_pk_id.**.hel.fiMatomo. Tracking what the user does in the user interface393 days
_pk_ses**.hel.fiMatomo. Tracking what the user does in the user interface30 minutes
mtm_.**.hel.fiMatomo. Consent for using analytics cookies400 days
cookiehubcookiehub.comUsed by CookieHub to store information about whether visitors have given or declined the use of cookie categories used on the site365 days
Table 2: Cookies related to basic functionalities cannot be rejected. They enable the proper functioning of the website and affect the usability.
Cookie nameCookie set byPurpose of usePeriod of validity
SSESS*hel.fiA cookie related to the operation of the content management system23 days


Table 3: Common Tunnistamo and Keycloak cookies between * domain services
Cookie nameCookie set byPurpose of usePeriod of validity
sso-sessionidapi.hel.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
tunnistamo_prod-sessionidapi.hel.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
profiili-prod-csrftokenapi.hel.fiA security control365 days
AUTH_SESSION_IDtunnistus.hel.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
AUTH_SESSION_ID_LEGACYtunnistus.hel.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
KC_*tunnistus.hel.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
JSESSIONIDsuomi.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
E-Identification-LogTagsuomi.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
_opensaml_req_cookie*suomi.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
_shibstate_*suomi.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
_shibsession_*suomi.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession
shib_idp_sessionsuomi.fiPersist the authentication sessionSession

HDS Login component

Table 4: Common user data stored by the login component
Session storage keyData set byPurpose of usePeriod of validity
oidc.user:*Current domainStore authentication dataSession
hds_login_api_token_storage_keyCurrent domainStore api tokens of an authenticated userSession
hds_login_api_token_user_referenceCurrent domainIdentify the user whose api tokens are storedSession

Load balancing

Table 5: Load-balancing cookies ensure that the service loads and works quickly and efficiently.
Cookie nameCookie set byPurpose of usePeriod of validity
A random 32-character long, tunnistus.hel.fiTechnical routing of requestsSession

Information security

Table 6: Security cookies enable secure data transfer between the user and the service.
Cookie nameCookie set byPurpose of usePeriod of validity
tunnistamo_prod-csrftokenapi.hel.fiA security control365 days

Language settings

Table 7: Language cookies store the language selections by the user to remember the preferred language.
Cookie nameCookie set byPurpose of usePeriod of validity
KEYCLOAK_LOCALEtunnistus.hel.fiPersist the user's chosen languageSession
E-Identification-Langsuomi.fiPersist the user's chosen languageSession
Table 8: Cookie consents.
Cookie nameCookie set byPurpose of usePeriod of validity
city-of-helsinki-cookie-consents<subdomain>.hel.fiUsed by to store information about whether visitors have given or declined the use of cookie categories used on the site.1 year
city-of-helsinki-consent-version<subdomain>.hel.fiUsed by to store information about what version of the cookie consent the user has agreed to.1 year